
Huzza Old Ironsides!



The life and times of the US Frigate Constitution in song, by Geoff Kaufman.  All songs and tunes from history and backed up by Everett Brown, Tom Goux, Dan Lanier, Dave Peloquin, and Marifrances Trevelli.  Myself on fife & drum.

  • “To Arms’
  • On the Launching of the frigate Constitution
  • Arise, arise, Columbia’s sons arise.
  • High Barbaree
  • When the Warrior Returns
  • The American Constitution Frigate’s Engagement with the British Frigate Guerriere.
  • The Constitution and the Guerriere.
  • Yankee Tars
  • Hulls Victory/Constitution Hornpipe
  • The Constitution and Java
  • The Constitution’s Last Fight
  • Old Ironsides (Oliver Wendall Holmes)
  • The Ballad of Mad Jack
  • Old Ironsides (we’re mighty proud of you)
  • The Old Constitution; The Gem of the Ocean
  • Old Ironsides (We’re mighty proud of you)
  • “The Retreat”

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